Getting To Know The Brand
Hello out there. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you for coming to KandlesByKyle. I hope you find these candles to be exactly what you are looking for. I take the time to hand make each and everyone of these candles. It is a process to make, but I find it very relaxing after my regular job.
I started making candles actually because I wanted a cookie, Cinnabon type candle. When I was looking for it I was told that those types of candles are more of a fall/winter candle. To me that just didn't make any sense. I didn't understand why we couldn't get the smell of fresh treats baking in the oven in the summer. So that is what lead me to start making my own candles.
After hearing compliments about my candles and how they smelled great. I started to think maybe I could actually start to sell these as a business. This way other people like "the old me" could buy winter type candles in the summer.
So I started to work on my Logo. I read pretty much everywhere that the Logo should be the last thing you do. However, I felt like that was something you think about with all the famous brands from the swoosh, to the apple with a bite out of it, to the two C's for Chanel. The Logo matters. So I started to try and come up with ideas.
I went through so many ideas. Then my wife stated the name should be Kandles by kyle. Candles would be with a K not a C. I liked the sound of that. So I started to try and figure out things around that name.
I also felt a strong connection to having my sales benefit cancer. My older sister who I loved and looked up to passed away from Cancer in 2017. She was the person who taught me how to draw. I would draw pictures to see the look of a sister who was proud of what I did. So I would sketch and sketch.
My sister took some classes at a local art school. Which I wanted to be in as well. We couldn't really afford for myself to join. So she talked to the teachers to see if there was any way I could get in for free. She then had me summit a drawing and an essay on why I wanted to go to this school. They ended up paying for me to take the comic book class.
Throughout life she ended up becoming a children's book illustrator. Which of course I thought was so amazing. She got to do what she loved to do and get paid to do it. I ended up going into the warehouse field. I moved up in the company but just wasn't happy. I remember one our conversations. She told me " to go use that creativity. Do something special"
My ideas of what I need in my design where now complete. I had to incorporate the K's. I had to represent cancer in some way. Last but not least I wanted something to represent my sister. So I went to my creative lab and created my logo. While I was sketching this design, I felt like I was going back in time. To those days when i would sketch and sketch just to see her face. I am going to make her proud and do something special.
Below you can see how my design came together.
This Logo has a lot of meaning involved in it.
If you look there is a K and a backwards K for Kandles by Kyle.
In the middle there is a Cancer Ribbon.
And Then there is the letter M for my sister Michelle. Since she was a big influence on me. She is the driving force behind me trying to make this business a success. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It does mean a lot to me. Hopefully I will see you soon.